Solution to Climate Change- During my 1978 Artist-in-residency at the University of Adelaide I wrote to black hole physicists around the world. They pointing out that when Einstein’s mathematical theories were subjected to the universal forces obeying the law of equal and opposite reaction, then later his worldview of physics reality would have to be rewritten.
My theories were recorded in Australian newspaper articles and were attacked by influential scientists as being nonsense. However, two world famous black hole physicists, John Taylor and Remo Ruffini, came to my defence and the argument became a topic of international scientific speculation.
In 1979 the Science Unit of Australian National Television documented the life’s work of seven world famous scientists and included my Science-Art theories into their eight-part series, The Scientists – Profiles of Discovery.
This was screened internationally and my section was sub-titled, Pope – The Catalyst. The Director of the Science Unit of Australian National Television considered that my research was acting as a catalyst for the introduction of a more advanced biological science.
He held that my theories held information demonstrating that Einstein’s mathematical structure of reality does not apply to biological systems.
A human catalyst does not contribute monumental acts of intellect to the World. He or she somehow allows great scientific changes to occur by introducing a very small amount of information that makes great changes happen. In my case for example, once Plato’s ethical sacred geometrical mathematics was shown to belong to biological science then quantum mechanical mathematical logic begins to fall apart.
Plato held that both ethical and unethical artistic thought-forms existed. These were created by the functioning of the magnetic properties of lodestone, which he associated with the workings of a universal life force. He related electromagnetic geometrical properties of lightning to be interacting with the evolution of consciousness.
This process can be associated with the formation of other geometrical patterns in nature, such as when sunlight causing evaporation of wet mud results in the formation of geometrical patterns.
Einstein’s mathematics on the other hand, can be considered illusionary, being based upon a geometrical point having no width, breadth or depth. Plato referred to such mathematicians as prisoners forced to obey the shadowy illusions of reality described in his Parable of the Cave.
Norbert Wiener, the father of modern cybernetics, invented it as a weapon of destruction. He later realized it was far more dangerous than all out atomic warfare. Wiener then realized that his evolutionary Progress in Physics belonged to Plato’s ethical cybernetics mathematics.
Cybernetic geometry is about emotional consciousness existing in two forms, one biologically creative and the other biologically destructive.
The creative cybernetics is programmed to utilize aspects from a multidimensional universe beyond the comprehension of primitive tribal science. The extreme aggressiveness of the thought-form functioning belonging to the mathematicians held captive within Plato’s cave of illusory reality was simply a normal state of evolving tribal consciousness.
Einstein’s obligation to aggressive tribal science is made clear within a Chinese text of the oldest military treatise in the world.
“The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected”.
Plato’s saviours in his futuristic The Republic can be considered to be his “Guardians” of a new artistic creative biological science developing the forces equal and opposite to the primitive forces of chaotic destruction. Plato’s ethical mathematics appears to be about how civilization can become part of the health of the universe in order to avoid the extinction that happened to the seemingly warlike armour-plated dinosaur fossils unearthed by ancient Greek explorers.
DNA now indisputably demonstrates that this aggressive compulsive action for a species to harm itself is now undergoing a human survival thought-form transition.
Tribal science’s destructive cybernetic thought-form actions can be replaced by its creative cybernetic reactionary counterpart. Plato’s Academy as a medical institute, in the light of recent Science-Art neurological discoveries, is clearly entering into a creative era, replacing the destructive cybernetic mathematical Art of War with Plato’s ethical sacred geometrical cybernetics.
After some 2400 years the nature of Plato’s antidote to this scientific dilemma has become evident, as is explained in this article.
Plato’s Academy was established 45 years after the Golden Age of Greek ‘tribal’ Democracy collapsed when its leader, Pericles, died of the great plague that decimated the Athenian population during its war with the Spartans. It became accepted knowledge among educated Greeks that “tribal democracy carried some sort of emotional thought-form disease.”
As Dr Warren Lidz at Bentley College’s Department of Philosophy has pointed out, “Greek philosophy can be adequately understood only if one recognizes that it arose in conjunction with ancient medical theory”.
During the Golden age of Islamic Science the Arab mathematician and physicist, Ibn al-Haytham, commonly referred to as the Father of modern optics, proclaimed that Plato’s optical mathematical science embraced an ethical component.
His research introduced ethical sacred geometrical theories to Western tribal science. However, he remained confused about associating ethical mathematics with Plato’s optical concept of infinity. My Research Centre in Australia decided to resolve this centuries old mathematical dilemma, once and for all, in order to understand how tribal science can make the transition to its human survival creative mathematical counterpart.
My attendance at the 1979 Marcel Grossman Meeting on General Relativity at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, provided me with the opportunity to converse with Neils Bohr’s colleague, Kun Huang, leading the Chinese Physics Delegation at the World Summit Meeting of Science.
We resolved how the Centre in Australia could become the first research institute in the world to demonstrate how the life-force mathematically directs the evolution of life-forms.
Plato’s ethical sacred Science-Art geometry was inscribed into the World’s seashell fossil record and therefore computer programs could determine if Plato’s ethical optical life-force mathematics did or did not evolve to infinity. If they did then Einstein’s mathematics would clearly be illusory as Plato predicted.
During the 1980s the Centre designed computer programs using Plato’s infinite mathematics to measure the direction that the life-force was taking evolution in. Einstein had no idea that Plato’s infinite mathematical system was based upon fractal geometrical logic.
It was noted by the Smithonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System, The Concept of Fractal Cosmos: 1. Anaxagoras’ Cosmology in 2001, that Anaxagoras had developed infinite fractal mathematics to explain the existence of the life-force. Einstein did not realize that Anaxagoras’ electromagnetic geometrical logic was based upon a biological aspect of infinite fractal geometrical logic. To Einstein that was an impossibility as his quantum mathematical worldview demanded the extinction of all life in the universe, so it could not be evolving toward infinity.
Also during the 1980s, the Centre programmed Plato’s ethical infinite fractal Science-Art logic within computer programs to generate the evolving future seashell geometrical forms from their earlier ancestral fossilized forms.
The seashell simulations generated, matched perfectly with present day seashells. This demonstrated the presence of a life-force guiding an evolutionary development of species that would, according to the mathematics, continue infinitely.
Einstein’s worldview
To the Centre this demonstrated that there was a need for a new understanding regarding Einstein’s mathematical worldview. Clearly it is now necessary for his worldview to be balanced with a Newtonian equal and opposite force, a life-force, that in biological systems enables the evolution of life-forms to continue infinitely. Solution to Climate Change– Whilst prevailing tribal science acclaimed certain optical aspects of the seashell experiment it had no interest whatsoever in any criticism of Einstein’s worldview.
The world’s largest technological research institute, IEEE in Washington, acclaimed the seashell findings as an important optical mathematic discovery from 20th Century scientific literature. It was placed alongside such names as Louis Pasteur and Francis Crick.
The Institute for Basic Research in the USA and the Centre’s mathematician later transposed the optical mathematical discovery into a physics format. As a result of this and further investigation it was noted that when Einstein’s quantum mechanical mathematics was used to generate the seashell simulations, only deformed carcinogenic images were obtainable.
Therefore, Einstein’s quantum mechanical symmetrical mathematics was seen by the Centre as carcinogenic, which is consistent with what would be expected given his mechanistic science being governed by the law of chaos.
From this it now appears evident that the processes of life enjoy the advantage of a force that is able to bring order into what would otherwise degrade into chaos.
Most importantly, this indicates that this new understanding of physics is set to bring about a revolution in the treatment of cancer.
This paper is being written to explain that Plato’s human survival cybernetic mathematics is directly associated with the ability to resolve many inconsistencies between our success in developing technologies that serve humanity and the increasing negative impacts of technologies on living systems.
It now appears evident that tribal science has a fundamental inability to comprehend any concept involving an ethical understanding of the laws of cybernetic physics.
It is not true that Thales of Miletus during the pre-Socratic era of ancient Greece was the Father of modern Western science. His geometrical foundations upholding biological science are the very opposite to Einstein’s primitive tribal science that is very successful when dedicated to quantum mechanical atomic warfare. While Einstein’s mathematical structure was based upon the fantasy of an imaginary geometrical point, Thales’ structure was based upon an electromagnetic geometrical point interacting mathematically with the electromagnetic biosphere.
Thales experimented with the magnetic properties of lodestone to conclude that the life-force was electromagnetic. Many scientists agree that magnetic lodestone was created by lightning strikes on the mineral magnetite.
Thales crushed lodestone into tiny particles revealing two different artistic geometrical patterns associated with the act of creation when electromagnetic light emerged from the dark abyss of chaos. One artistic magnetic geometrical pattern was about the forces of attraction and the other was about the forces of repulsion.
Thales’ life-force consciousness had the ability to create universal purpose but only in association with its memory of chaotic reality. Both of the intelligent aspects of magnetic attraction and repulsion however, belong to the infinite purpose of creation.
Thales’ life-force’s dominant creative purpose therefore, was to evolve away from unethical destructive chaos toward an ethical holographic consciousness. Einstein’s illusory geometrical worldview demanded that the life-force must return back into the chaos of the dark abyss that existed before the creation of electromagnetic light.
Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton, within his controversial published 28th Query Discussions, wrote that ancient Platonic Greek science had rejected the concept that gravity was first-caused by the mass of objects in space but was caused instead by something else, “which is certainly not mechanical”.
By carefully researching ancient Greek science it becomes obvious that gravitational forces are associated with electromagnetic forces, a concept beyond the ability of tribal mathematical science to reason about.
Einstein developed his mathematical worldview from ancient Sumerian and Babylonian calendar mathematics, still in use today.
During the 1970s my Science-Art research into the workings of a holographic universe established a special school for Indigenous Australians. As their tribal culture is the oldest one on earth I wanted to compare it with the later Mesopotamian mathematics.
Throughout Australia the Indigenous Dreamtime Ceremonies recall the existence of the last Ice Age as causing the Great Flood. The written linguistic art-forms originating from Mesopotamia had the gods of creation bringing about the Great Flood by using water from beneath the surface of the Earth. A life-force evolving consciousness can be assumed to have a memory of its past existence.
Therefore some physics law should exist to explain why the Dreamtime thought-form memory was correct while Einstein’s development of Mesopotamian mathematical memory was not.
During the 19th Century the Danish scientist, Soren Kierkegaard, arguing from the Science-Art philosophies of Plato and Kant, proposed locating a law from the workings of the electromagnetic light of creation, which alluded to a more ennobling ethical future for humanity. He postulated that such a law could belong to the action of electromagnetic memory of an ancient past being recorded in living tribal memory.
It is obvious that such a biological law cannot be derived from Einstein’s quantum mechanical worldview derived from Mesopotamian calendar mathematics.
However, neurologists are now considering that within a human survival computer program, governed by the biological first-cause principles of creative electromagnetic light, Kierkegaard’s proposed memory law should present itself. Solution to Climate Change– Neurologists consider it to be likely that the Australian Dreamtime ceremonies will provide reliable information supporting the evolutionary progress of a human survival physics belonging to the workings of a holographic universe.
Although an astute awareness of the new human survival science and technology can be visualized, the catalyst, the author of this article, remains in awe of those, who upon breaking free from prevailing illusory mathematical imprisonment, are capable of bringing it to fruition.
Under prevailing tribal science law, mathematicians are unable to explore aspects of mathematical reality existing beyond Einstein’s worldview governed by the laws of chaos. However, millions of lively energetic people who avoid prevailing mathematics, as does the catalyst, might be pleased to learn how well balanced they are regarding Plato’s ethical cybernetic mathematical intelligence.
Plato’s ethical sacred geometric mathematics was about the electromagnetic zest of life learning how to balance the forces of nature in order to evolve toward infinity.
His ethical biological cybernetic thought-form mathematics is the very opposite of the prevailing aggressive pandemic of cybernetic dysfunctional information.
For example, crawling baby toddlers enjoy learning how to keep their balance when learning to walk under the surveillance of proud protective parents. This later becomes the spit-second cybernetic thought-form mathematical skills experienced by expert surfers as they emotionally interact with the array of forces generated by giant ocean waves breaking as they approach the shoreline.
This therefore can be seen as a natural human ability to cope with complex situations and is about future human survival and thrival, potentially to the satisfaction of scientists enjoying the balancing of forces such as those associated with global climate change.
DNA evidence proves that Einstein’s quantum mechanical atomic reality thought-form actions now transforming themselves into an equal and opposite reaction law functioning throughout universal reality. The time has arrived for tribal science’s mathematical structure to evolve from only the limited entropic form to incorporating its opposite creative form.
Thales of Miletus is indeed the Father of this now emerging human survival science. His Science-Art theories are directly associated with the evolution of a living infinite electromagnetic holographic universe.
Anaxagoras was the first person to explain that the purpose of the nous-mind was to organize the conscious structure of the cosmos by creating two oppositely rotating electromagnetic motions having an exceptionally strong influence over living things.
Both Aristotle and Plato commended Anaxagoras’ living nous-mind but insisted that its eventual purpose was to use the living rotating electromagnetic forms to generate ethical mathematics thought-form reality in the “best interests” of the infinite living universe. Evolutionary actions associated with the ethical “best interests” cybernetic thought-form reality are the opposite reactions to the thought-form cybernetics upholding The Art of War.
The historian Herodotus recorded that Thales was the first to be able to predict the year when a total solar eclipse would occur. The NASA archives have calculated that this occurred in 585 B.C. It is now a matter of life or death importance that the general public knows that NASA knew about Thales’ discovery but stated that nobody knows how he was able to geometrically predict it. Evidence exists showing that NASA’s archive statement is not correct.
The electromagnetic Golden Age of Danish Science was constructed upon Thales’ electromagnetic mathematical theories. James Maxwell formulated Anaxagoras’ infinite universal nous-mind into two revolving electromagnetic states of existence.
Maxwell’s electromagnetic radiation discovery linked light, electricity and magnetism into one state of reality embracing two mathematical components rotating in opposite directions in order to evolve universal consciousness.
Living asymmetrical fields rotated anticlockwise and symmetrical mechanistic fields rotated clockwise. His scientific contemporaries, Immanuel Kant and Emmanuel Levinas, realized that the anticlockwise field was evolving Plato’s ethical thought-form consciousness within the creative artistic mind.
Levinas made the most important spiritual observation in the history of science. According to Levinas, an asymmetrical field rotating anticlockwise was the crucial first-cause principle governing the dynamics of all universal reality.
Einstein’s later conviction that the symmetric fields that rotated clockwise belonged to the first-cause principle governing universal dynamics has now been shown to be incorrect. He did not know that the entropic workings of The Second Law of Thermodynamics, which he considered to be the supreme law of the universe, could be reversed by virtue of the law of equal and opposite reaction. An asymmetric field taking precedence as the first-cause principal ensures that the life process would not end in a return to the dark abyss but would be infinitely maintained.
Maxwell had researched very early Christian philosophy associated with Plato’s infinite ethical thought-form theories, as referred to within ancient Hebraic writings, which were later acclaimed during the Golden Age of Islamic Science.
He warned that if Plato’s ethical electromagnetic Godlike geometric information was lost and “unrestrained materialism took root: it would sweep away the humanities, and reduce all that is good and noble, including the human mind, to “meaningless clashes of atoms”. Maxwell had correctly predicted that the mathematics belonging to Einstein’s unethical symmetrical aesthetic emotions would lead to atomic warfare.
Norbert Wiener wrote about this but considered that the use of aggressive cybernetic mind control was far more dangerous than atomic warfare.
In 1857 Louis Pasteur published that the infinite dynamics of the universe were controlled by living first-cause asymmetrical electromagnetic mathematical principles rotating anticlockwise. Pasteur knew about Maxwell’s difference between living electromagnetic mathematics and mechanistic electromagnetic mathematics.
He observed that a living electromagnetic dot under his microscope was being instructed by the electromagnetic biosphere to artistically draw a living bacterium. The drawings of the mathematical structure of the bacterium were being made by Thales’, Anaxagoras’ and Plato’s asymmetrical geometric artistic electromagnetic intelligence.
On the other-hand Einstein’s sterile symmetrical atomic mathematics, while able to provide information needed to build destructive atomic bombs, was unable to interact with electromagnetic biosphere reality.
In 1905 Einstein published that the first principle universal field of creation rotated clockwise and that all life in the universe was sentenced to extinction due to the supremacy of his understanding of The Second Law of Thermodynamics. On the 21st of March, 2013, the European Planck Space Observatory recorded in detail that the ‘First Light’ created in the universe was asymmetrical, rotating anticlockwise.
The Planck Observatory’s findings suggested that “A perplexing asymmetry in relic radiation may point to new physics”.
However, tribal science’s aggressive global cybernetic momentary system banished the electromagnetic ethical mathematics upholding the Golden Age of Danish Science.
The financial empires associated with the electrification of North America used symmetrical mathematics to acquire vast wealth because they found that symmetrical mathematics generated 25% more profit than asymmetrical mathematics.
Art of War
To this day, the global economic system classifies asymmetrical or living electromagnetic mathematics as a plague. Tribal economic science must, at all times, reduce asymmetrical mathematical equations to meaninglessness, thereby negating the uniqueness of biological systems and ensuring that the mathematical basis of The Art of War reigns supreme.
The absolute seriousness of this artistic mathematical disease was recently outlined by the physicist Sabine Hossenfelder, a researcher into quantum gravity and modifications to the general theory of relativity at the Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies.
Her June 2018 article entitled Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray, published in the international journal of science, Nature, describes the ugliness of physics as being further contaminated with “an unnatural compulsion to develop supersymmetry to keep Einstein’s illusion alive”. She asserted that in modern science “we are losing our way in a mathematical jungle, however beautiful”.
The above mentioned seashell experiment demonstrated that Professor Hossenfelder’s “an unnatural compulsion to develop supersymmetry to keep Einstein’s illusion alive” has been found to be a cybernetic mathematical form of cancer emanating from tribal science’s economic system. Neurologists are now associating that discovery, in order to further develop Plato’s ethical cybernetic geometrical antidote, with the diseased cybernetic mathematical pandemic, now preparing for the human species to participate in a global catastrophic reign of destruction.
The diseased aggressive emotions generated by Einstein’s symmetric mathematical worldview were aptly summarized by a professor familiar with Plato’s electromagnetic thought-form reality. Dr Timothy Morton of Rice University in Texas, in his book, Art in the Age of Asymmetry, points out that Plato “imagines artistic inspiration as an electromagnetic field” in which unethical symmetrical mathematical information, capable of inducing disease, functions as a “demonizing of art”.
That corresponds to Hossenfelder’s assessment that it is unnatural to keep Einstein’s symmetric artistic mathematical illusions alive and reinforces Morton’s concern that humanity needs to understand that it can benefit by reappraising some of its core emotional artistic beliefs.
Now that the dual nature of the creation physics law performing its natural function is understood, the Platonic seashell geometrical discovery can be upgraded to generate sustainable human survival blueprint simulations. New aspects of neurological science information can be programmed into a relevant computer research program, governed by nous-mind infinite fractal logic.
As both destructive tribal science and human survival science are integral aspects of human evolution, they can be entangled within a computer program in order to generate sustainable human survival blueprints.
Thales’ first-cause principle of creation logic
If the program is governed by Thales’ first-cause principle of creation logic, then sustainable human survival information will be generated rather than Einstein’s blueprints for atomic destruction as governed by the law of entropic chaos. At present the disintegrating remains of Einstein’s mistakenly presumed first-cause principle still presides over a global science thereby shackled to a law of chaos.
Carme Ruiz González, Senior Curator, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí in her paper, Salvador Dali and Science – Beyond a mere curiosity, refers to Dali’s academic interests that “lay in the world of [Plato’s] mathematics and optics”.
Dali became convinced that Plato’s human survival information within plane geometry was about holographic images hidden within the flat plane surface of a painting. Dali’s Stereoscopic Museums around the world need two paintings side by side with the help of some high-tech equipment to reveal somewhat vague holographic images.
However, Dali became the first Science-Artist in the World to discover that Plato’s human survival antidote message, hidden for some 2400 years is seen as holographic images within the geometrical flat plane surface of a painting.
Kant and Levinas’ conviction that the asymmetrical electromagnetic field within the creative artistic mind is now evolving exponentially, is now evident. Recently single paintings have been created by artists, which when viewed through asymmetric electromagnetic glasses, instantly reveal holographic multidimensional planes being traversed by curved forms.
During the 19th Century Charles Wheatstone invented the stereoscope. In his obituary published by the journal, Nature, October 1875, it was noted that “Leonardo da Vinci’s conviction that the flat plane of a painting could not contain a true 3D image, was incorrect and that Wheatstone had philosophically solved the problem”. Wheatstone was familiar with curvature optics while Leonardo never referred to curvature optics, in his Book of Notes.
The era of Leonardo’s artistic tribal science mechanistic genius can now be seen to be being replaced by Plato’s asymmetrical electromagnetic human survival era, belonging to what Dr Timothy Morton refers to as “Art in the Age of Asymmetry”.
The optical curvature electromagnetic mathematics belonged to artistic optical forces that Leonardo could not possibly comprehend. As the chief engineer of an army, the energy information that could, without any scientific explanation, suddenly have a small child skip and jump for joy about being alive, was well beyond his engineering responsibilities. His responsibility was to honour the Art of War.
Plato’s Academy was formed to include ancient spiritual biological research information. Later during the Golden Age of Islamic Science in the 12th and 13th Centuries Islamic, Hebraic and Christian scholars worked together at the Toledo Translator Schools to re-translate ancient biological spiritual sciences including early writings from India and China.
That same spiritual goodwill is now needed to allow a computer program, governed by a Godlike first-cause principle of the electromagnetic light of creation, to generate a new science moving toward infinity rather than one moving back to the chaos of the dark abyss.
Einstein’s diseased mathematics was compatible with the philosophy of science belonging to the mathematician Rene Descartes, commonly referred to as the Father of modern philosophy.
The goodwill ethos of the Toledo Translator School will be needed to further examine the observation by the Nobel Laureate in Medicine, David Hubel, that Descartes’ mathematics was seriously diseased. Solution to Climate Change– Hubel echoed the Plato-seashell geometrical experimental findings, which demonstrated that tribal science was diseased. He endorsed the findings of the neurologist, Antonio Damasio, who in his book Descartes’ Error, published in 1994 diagnosed the mathematician as having an unstable psychopathic mentality.
During the 1989 Science-Art Project sponsored by the Hollywood Thalian Mental Health Oganization in Los Angeles, it had also been pointed out that Descartes’ Proclamation, I think therefore I am was psychologically unbalanced due to its omission of human feelings.
Georg Cantor, acclaimed to be one of the greatest mathematicians in history, was convinced that prevailing tribal science was infected by a mental disorder as, “a form of myopia that destroys the possibility of seeing the actual infinite”, which “occurs all around us and even inhabits our minds”.
The Toledo Translator School’s emotional tolerance is required to consider and discuss that the form of myopia preventing the ability to see the actual infinite is a fear genetically instilled over the centuries by tribal religious persuasions needed to prepare tribes for inevitable mortal conflict. The new enemy that must be mastered requires a science for humanity to successfully respond to the forces of climate change.
It is unproductive to arrange forums to discuss such emotional issues with people when the diseased monetary system is bringing about merciless global cybernetic chaos. People all over the world are being terrorized by governments when they protest that they have no employment opportunities to obtain such things as food, water, housing, education and medical care.
The oppressed voting people of the world are realizing that the traditional illusory words of tribal wisdom are meaningless. When they understand that the Art of tribal war is now obsolete then Humanity can begin to face up to its current challenges, particularly climate change. As Norbert Wiener, the inventor of the predominate cybernetic warfare has stated, Plato’s ethical cybernetic mathematics exists to develop technologies to master such forces of nature.
Evolving electromagnetic thought-form mathematics’ activity interacts with the evolving electromagnetic biosphere. Holographic consciousness matures in tandem with infinite creative purpose, as the Plato-seashell geometrical experiment revealed.
Therefore, human survival science can be programmed within a computer to generate sustainable technology blueprint survival simulations. These blueprints will incorporate Plato’s life-force cybernetic creative mathematics and will provide living balancing mastery over the opposite forces that tend to degrade living systems, such as the forceful Arts of War-making.
It is emotionally difficult for people to understand that Kant and Levinas considered that aesthetically pleasing art was unethical whereas sacred electromagnetic art incorporating the wisdom arising from asymmetry, was thereby ethical and therefore more beautiful.
Consensual hallucination
A simple example is warranted. The mathematical programming of gambling machines uses electromagnetic artistic sound and colour vibrations that can induce heroin-like addictions that create moral and financial bankruptcies. Billions of dollars in Australian governmental revenue each year are generated by this corrupting mathematics, which also is associated with the mathematics upholding the diseased global monetary system.
AMCHAM, the American Chamber of Commerce, incorrectly states “In Plato’s Dialogues cybernetics is the proper governance of the provinces” and that “cybernetic” can be considered to mean “related to cyberspace”. Its tribal science definition of cyberspace states that it is “a consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts… “.
This is completely understandable under the tribal mathematical philosophy rules of economic survival administration, however indoctrinating children with the diseased ethos of the cybernetic Art of Warfare is no longer acceptable. Solution to Climate Change – As Plato predicted, they are being imprisoned into the cave of aggressive illusory mathematical reality to be groomed to be blindly dependent upon the ‘The Art of War’.
Norbert Wiener’s Progress in Physics is attributed to infinitesimally small amount of first-principle human survival holographic information leading to pragmatic development through the medium of scientific curiosity.
Interwoven into the fabric of the Republic of the United States of America are small but very important amounts of Plato’s human survival intuitive compassionate cybernetic ethics concerning life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The American people have become victims of unethical and emotional cybernetic mathematical mind control warfare where aggressive ‘fake news’ belonging to the obsolete tribal lust for power is tearing to shreds its intuitive feelings of compassionate thinking.
In 1943 Salvador Dali exhibited a painting entitled Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man to tell the World that after World War II, Plato’s future ethical human holographic survival message would emerge as the birth of a new Republic within the United States of America.
His eccentric flamboyant Science-Art philosophical reasoning was difficult to follow but its crucial implications for human survival have been scientifically summarized within this paper.
His conviction that paintings could contain Plato’s human survival holographic images has evolved to where Wiener’s small amount of factual evidence to excite scientific curiosity is indisputably available for public viewing.
Tribal science economics | Solution to Climate Change
Existing tribal science economics will not fund the Science-Art venues needed for the American public to know that the human survival science has come into existence. Business people out there are attempting to rectify this situation.
Eminent Science-Artists around the World have agreed to donate stereoscopic art collections to honour Dali’s birth of a new human survival Creative Physics Science-Art emerging from the United States of America.
This article has been edited by Dudley Leggett, Managing Director of Australia’s Sustainability Research Institute.
Professor Robert Pope is the Director of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, Uki, NSW, Australia. The Center’s objective is to initiate a second Renaissance in science and art, so that the current science will be balanced by a more creative and feminine science.
Professor Robert Pope is a recipient of the 2009 Gold Medal Laureate for Philosophy of Science, Telesio Galilei Academy of Science, London. He is an Ambassador for the European Academy of the Natural Sciences. He is listed in Marquis Who’s Who of the World as an Artist-philosopher, and has received a Decree of Recognition from the American Council of the United Nations University Millennium Project, Australasian Node. sprunki horror Endless Fun Awaits!